Our supported accommodation service aims to provide stability and consistency for young people, ensuring continuous access to local services such as education and healthcare and fosters the development of strong relationships within the community. The accommodation provided promotes positive self-esteem, protects against stigma, and supports young people in feeling confident about their opportunities.
At Cornerstone House there will be Youth Support Workers who will support young persons with managing a tenancy, health, money & budgeting, education/training & employment, cultural and religious needs, how you feel, trust & hope and anything else that young people feel that they need or want.
The staff will operate on a shift system, ensuring that a staff member is always available at the service, with additional staff available when needed. Staff members support young people accessing local services, attending meetings, preparing for work and education, and are available in-house to support our independence program.
We always have a member of staff sleeping on-site overnight, who is available to young people in case of emergencies or overnight accidents or incidents.
Each young person will receive a tailored support package designed to meet their individual needs and will incorporate their Pathway Plan.
We will support each young person with the following among other things: